During Women’s History Month or as I like to call it “Herstory” Month, I often reflect on the brave women who have dedicated their lives for wha...
Do You Love What You Do?
Valentine’s Day is a time to remember your loved ones, often a time for romance. When you step out of the commercialism, having a day and actually a...
Lesson 3 – Gratitude Makes All the Difference
Gratitude appears easy enough to practice. It can be as simple as throughout the day asking yourself the question, “What am I grateful for?” It ca...
Predict the Future: Write a Performance Letter to Yourself and Create a Personal Development Plan Template
If you were guaranteed that 2/3 of what you put into a letter addressed to yourself would become reality, would you try it? That’s the general conce...
Lesson 2 – Find Peace and Productivity Through Forgiveness
Life crises can teach powerful lessons. The first lesson I learned through my health crisis was about letting go. This second lesson was a reminder of...
Is Your Mind Full? Mindful Leadership with Focused Attention
I’ve been a fan of mindfulness for some time. Mindfulness involves the practice of being in the moment and not allowing the past or the future to ta...
How to Attract and Retain Top Talent
The economy is doing better for business in general and entrepreneurs specifically. That’s the good news. The downside is the battle for talent has ...
Lesson 1 – Three Leadership Lessons From Open Heart Surgery
In my last blog, I shared with you my experience after open heart surgery. There are three key lessons that I learned or re-learned in the process of ...
Open Heart Surgery Opened More Than My Heart
“Breathe, breathe” shouted the group of green suited people surrounding my bed. As I gasped for air, I felt like I was drowning. My lungs ...
The Work-Life Balance Struggle
Find yourself experiencing a work-life balance challenge? Mary Key shares one of the key elements that she believes can help us. View below and schedu...
Not What You Intended? Time to Regroup.
Intention is the key to making a vision reality. The word intention comes from the old English that means “wish that one means to carry out.” Once...
Women Win with Transformational Leadership
While more than 10 years old and challenged for relying on students to measure workplace attitudes, Harvard Business School’s much-discussed “Heid...