What Makes a Great Mission Statement?

What Makes a Great Mission Statement? September 15, 2023

Mary Key, Ph.D.

Having a clear and compelling mission that answers the question, “What are we here to do?” is essential to achieving extraordinary results.

Your challenge is to create a mission that is big enough, important enough, and inspiring enough to unite the people on your team or in your organization. Your mission should be broad enough and yet inclusive enough so that each person can feel they are contributing to something significant and larger than themselves.

Great mission statements are short and memorable. They communicate in just a few words the organization’s focus and why it exists. When a crucial decision needs to be made, the mission serves as a guide. Mission statements are not about money. Every organization needs to make money; however financial goals should be just that, a goal in a comprehensive plan, not to be confused with a broader, inspiring mission.

Your mission should clearly answer the question “What essential need or want do we fulfill?”  Think about it, can you name one successful company or organization that doesn’t do something that someone somewhere needs or wants? In short, your mission is a touchstone that reminds everyone what’s important and what your customers need and want.

Consider the following real life mission statements, and notice how they engage people to do more than just collect a paycheck:

  • “We help people achieve their goals, advance their careers, and enrich their lives through education.” (RedVector, an elearning company)
  • “To improve quality of life through compassionate healthcare.” (Surgery Partners, Inc.)
  • “To help our clients achieve economic success and financial security.” (BB&T Banks)
  • We help you deliver solutions that propel growth and innovation.” (IT Team)
  • “To prevent blindness and preserve sight.” (Prevent Blindness America)

Involve People in Developing Your Mission

When developing a mission statement, it is critical to involve the people whose support you count on to achieve the mission.  In smaller organizations and teams this may mean including everyone. In larger organizations, it may mean involving a cross section of stakeholders that represent the company’s diversity. The more key people you involve and listen to in the mission development process, the more synergy, buy-in and passion you will have directed toward “living it.”

Don’t underestimate the power of creating buy-in across your organization. Without buy-in, your mission statement is just a sign on a wall. When people aren’t inspired or connected to the mission, you miss a wonderful opportunity to inspire others to be their personal best. When you involve people in the process, you are more likely to engage their minds, hearts, and spirits sooner.