I recently took this picture of the “wishing tree” at Selby Gardens in Sarasota, FL. Each year over the holidays, those attending these beautiful botanical gardens can add their wish to the tree. Visitors of all ages write their wishes on brightly colored paper. It’s a natural art form honoring your highest wishes for yourself and others.
Wishing as a practice has been criticized because you can spend your life “wishing and hoping.” I believe that all great dreams start with a wish. Wishing is the fuel that sets in motion your manifestation for dreams come true. Wishing alone usually isn’t enough. An effective wish is a vivid picture of what you hold most dear. It’s important to picture your wish unfolding on a regular basis and feel the emotion you would feel when your wish is realized.
Once ignited, your wish can be bolstered with a written goal and a plan of action. However, if you don’t have an inspiring wish, your goal and plan can fall flat.
The dictionary meaning of “wish” is “feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable” while the definition of “hope” is similar “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” Research reported by the American Psychological Association shows that children who grew up in poverty that have had success later in life all shared one big thing in common – they all had hope. Hope is the glue that helps us stay committed to our wishes, goals, and plans.
I believe that all great dreams start with a wish.
With the pandemic back with increasing spread, many of us are operating out of a crisis mode. It’s hard to engage our brains on the long-term to answer questions that get at our wishes like: “If your highest wishes for yourself and others were realized, what would you see?” I encourage you to step back from the day to day and stand apart to think and daydream about what would bring you joy.